Caregivers: support your nervous system with a calming playlist

As you approach the demanding and meaningful work of familial caregiving day in and day out, you may notice a significant impact on your nervous system. Building a playlist for relaxation and meditation is a calming support that will help you decrease the impact of stress and feel more steady.

support your nervous system with a calming playlist for caregivers; photo by blocks on unsplash

Photo by blocks on Unsplash

Here are five benefits of a calming playlist and some videos and songs to consider adding to your go-to playlist.

1. Mood enhancement

With caregiving comes a range of experiences that impact your emotions. Music and nature sounds can help you create a serene atmosphere that signals to your nervous system that you are safe. You can experience improved well-being and less intensity with negative emotions.

Try a favorite song that evokes positive emotions, like Saturday in the Park by Chicago, or a piece with nature sounds. Or, spend time in nature, taking in the natural soundtrack of your surroundings.

2. Stress reduction

Considering the emotional and physical demands of caregiving, your stress levels are likely higher within your caregiving journey than they may have been prior. Music with gentle sounds can help lower your cortisol levels and heart rate while promoting a sense of calm.

Try something with a frequency of 528 Hz that is shown to reduce stress, like Dreamscape for Positive Transformation. If you find your brain is quite buzzy while listening and it’s hard to set aside your to-do list, try this Basket Practice created by Steadii advocate Kristina.

3. Welcoming focus

One of the results of the constant demands and responsibilities of caregiving can be difficulty concentrating and mental exhaustion. Choosing to welcome focus when possible, even if for a short period, can help you reconnect with yourself, shift into the present moment, and perhaps even experience some thoughts of stressors melting away.

Try a calming yoga practice like Yoga for Anxiety and Stress with Adriene, a five-minute tai chi session, or Box Breathing with Steadii advocate Greta.

4. Mindfulness and relaxation

When you engage in mindful practices, it can help you stay present, cultivate relaxation, and calm your nervous system. By intentionally listening to music and noticing rhythms and textures, you can immerse yourself in the present moment and relax and recharge your nervous system.

Try Jhené Aiko’s gratitude mantra Alive & Well, Burgs by Mt. Wolf, or Deep Theta from Steven Halpern and Jorge Alfano.

5. Improved sleep

As you navigate the demands of your caregiving role, you may find an increase in sleep disturbances. While some of these may be entirely outside your control, spending a little time preparing your mind and body for sleep can do wonders for your sleep quality.

Try a sound bath created for bedtime, relaxing music, or white noise like this piece from Sleep Soul.

Remember, the spirit of these suggestions matters most rather than these specific pieces. So, use this post as a starting point and curate a playlist that is tailored to your individual preferences. A great playlist is a wonderful compliment to other self-care practices like exercise and social support.

Moreover, if you find yourself in the thick of overwhelm and need an initial step before moving to your playlist, try one of the four options in Overcoming Overwhelm.

If you enjoy resources like this, would like to connect with other caregivers, or would like one-on-one support from a dedicated advocate, try Steadii.


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